The Philosophy of Gongshang’s Discipline is “Discipline with Care”. Every child and adult in the school has the right to a safe and conducive environment for learning and teaching. Thus, everyone in the school has the responsibility to ensure the safety of themselves and others by behaving in a reasonable manner. The eventual goal of Discipline is Self-Discipline, which is anchored on the school’s core values of Respect, Integrity, Perseverance and Thrift as well as the core values of Responsibility, Resilience, Care and Harmony.
In order to achieve this, the school rules state the conduct expected of Gongshang pupils. When a pupil misbehaves inside or outside school, appropriate corrective actions will be taken to help him/her to improve. In line with the educational goal of character building, one of the corrective actions is the award of “FAIR” for Conduct grade. A pupil awarded a “FAIR” grade will NOT be eligible for any School or National Award, including Academic, CCA, or Edusave Awards for that year.
Teachers, pupils and their parents are encouraged to be familiar with the school rules and the appropriate behaviour expected of every Gongshang Primary School pupil so that we can work together to grow the Gongshanger into a gracious person with character.
Click here for school rules