Learning Carnival
Learning Carnival
At our last Learning Carnival, the ICT department explored the use of Ozobots to introduce simple coding to the students and, at the same time, teach skills such as ‘deductive reasoning while expanding their imaginations’. An Ozobot is a mini programmable path-following device that is programmed to follow coloured paths that control its movements, speed and directions. We customised the activities ranging from simple to more challenging tasks, where in the former, we presented the child with a pre-drawn maze and a specific number and types of code. They must then figure out how to get the Ozobot from the start of the maze to the finish by using only the availbale codes. After getting themselves familiar with how the Ozobot worked, the students were encouraged to challenge themselves by creating their own paths that required the Ozobot to obey more complicated commands.
Looking forward to our next learning carnival!
Learning in Action